What is Prayas Ratnagiri ?
' Prayas Ratnagiri ' is a newly founded social institution in Ratnagiri. The style and the way of operation is best expressed in its slogan : Prayas : world beyond the wall ! Prayas looks in the world beyond the wall and moves in it . Prayas wants to become a helping hand. With all the regular help, it wants to establish a running help system or instant help on the spot of need. Prayas means a try to catch a need and give all possible help immediately to the needy ones. It is a contact chain that operates, reaches the spot and help the needy ones. It does not mean that help should make the person lazy or unwilling to work . The help should give more inspiration to stand up and start up a new way, a new life ! The need of the moment and support to the needy , both are important. Now many Sensitive minded people are coming in Prayas ; however one man , Mr Yasin Patel , is all behind it . He has visualised it , seen it , ran it in his mind. Not only he did that but he spotted the persons who will bring it into reality, gathered them , convinced them and it resulted in forming the executive committee of Prayas. Surprisingly enough the founder Mr Yasin Patel had rejected the post of President politely and has remained as a member of the executive committee . Now Mrs. Bharati Sansare, an ex Education Officer is a President of Prayas. Congratulations and best wishes to the respected President Madam and the whole executive committee of Prayas. The first meeting of the executive committee was held on 14th March 2021 at Government rest house Ratnagiri . Here is a photo .

The Executive committee of Prayas includes the following members.
Mrs. Bharati Sansare : President
Mr. Devidas Patil. : Working President
Mr. Anand Shelar : Vice President
Mrs. Manali Salavi : Vice President
Mr. Siddhesh Marathe : Secretary
Mr. Shabbir Wasta. : Asstt. Secretary
Mr. Chintamani Sapre : Treasurer
Mr. Ajay Baste. : Member
Mrs. Dinar Malgundkar : Member
Mr. Prakash Walanju : Member
Mr. Ganesh Arekar : Member
Mr. Yasin Patel : Member
Dr. Dilip Pakhare : Advisor
Mr. Yuyutsu Arte : Advisor
Adv. Sandeep Dhaval : Advisor
The announcement of opening of Prayas was made live by Mr. Prakash Walanju (Watul news channel ) immediately after the meeting on 14th March 2021.
Now Prayas is in the registration process . Meanwhile Prayas has decided to start two projects in two villages in two different fields which will be announced shortly . We are going to have more news from Prayas !