Looking like victory, turned into battle again ! It was 08 cases stand and everything came to a standstill situation, suddenly changed into a new crucial fight against corona virus once again . The district has found new cases and the total tally goes to 18 now. Even in Ratnagiri Nurse training centre , a trainy nurse is corona virus positive ! There are 150 students and the concerned trainy nurse might have contacted more. The 150 students have been quarantined and the people are on the alert once again. Ratnagiri is a developing city and considering this there are buildings at one side and zopadpatti on the other side, have to be taken into account. There are societies where many people are living side by side. The land has limitations of it's own and can not increase further. Hence , multistory buildings are coming into existence in this city. The population is increasing day by day as well as the tourist , traders do visit this city. There is a mango business running these days on a larger scale as a seasonal trade plus there is a big market for fish . It is enough to spread the corona virus. What has happened in Mumbai and Pune can happen in Ratnagiri. The people can go on the roads , into the markets , rush for the liquor, drink and beat the drums once again . They can become fearless and go for the trips in the hilly area or they can go to the beaches on the sea shore. Anything can happen but the one thing that will happen surely is the spread of corona virus, as it has happened in the Mumbai , Pune , Aurangabad, Nashic , Nagpur etc. People behavior is unfortunately not co-operative in many parts of the country . The people are making contacts and getting corona virus on their own ! This is the main reason that the tally is increasing every day. Corona virus is wining and people are dying, but not learning the lesson! This must be changed and we have to win at any cost! People must declair and obey the no social contact slogan ! They must stay at their homes at least for few more days, because this is the only way to win over Corona virus.
An Update here : At 09 pm today, the news came that the corona tally has gone up to 34 today. There are 13 new patients today, 11 found positive in one place I. e. in Mandangad tahsil ! 02 cases from the Khed tahsil.